Friday, August 24, 2012

Slammin' Deal

This is just too good to not share.

In my last post I shared about Bookmans and how I can get store credit for bringing in things I find at garage sales and thrift stores to sell to them.

Well, I was in there a couple days ago, and there have been a few things on my wish list that I have been keeping my eye out for. One thing in particular I have never seen there but it's something that would be totally awesome to have.

Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series [Blu-ray]
For those of you have not seen any of these episodes, let me tell you this is the best nature documentary that has ever been made. And we've been wanting to own it.

So as I am browsing at Bookmans I find this... 

Life & Planet Earth Collection (9pc) Blu-ray Disc 883929117406 Front

Not only is it the complete Planet Earth series, but also the complete Life series (a sequel to Planet Earth). And it was listed for $35!

So of course I bought it with the Bookmans credit that I have saved up. And since I tend to get anywhere from 2x to 4x the profit on what I bring in to sell to them, I'm guessing that my out-of-pocket cost is only $10-$15 for this treasure. And if you click on the picture you will see that at Best Buy it's being sold for $99.99!
Total savings? $85!

Now that's a slammin' deal!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bookmans Fun

Here in Mesa, AZ, there is a store called Bookmans. It's a really fun entertainment exchange store. Obviously, the thing they have the most of is books, but they also have DVD's, CD's video games, and even musical instruments. And they buy things from people that want to bring in their movies, books, etc. They will offer store credit or cash, but usually the store credit is twice as much or more as the cash they offer.

I found out about Bookmans right after we moved down here. And started taking some things that we didn't want anymore over there and got some store credit for it. Then as I would shop at thrift stores I would see things that I knew Bookmans would give me store credit for at a profit. So over the last year or so when find things to take to bookmans, I'll buy them and get some store credit to use for presents or other things.

Here's my latest exciting deal!

While I was at Barnes & Noble the other day, they had a $2 bin and I found a brand new Glee Cranium in it.

Glee Cranium

Now, I don't watch Glee, but I knew I could get more than $2 credit for it at Bookmans. So I bought it. And Bookmans gave me $5 in store credit for it. Not as much as I had hoped, but still not bad.

Then while I was at Bookmans, I found Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 on Blue Ray for $5.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 [Blu-ray]

We already own 1-6 on Blue Ray and we've been looking for this one and Part 2. This was a great deal for Bookmans, normally they would be selling this movie for $12-$15 dollars. So when I saw that it was only $5, I wasn't going to pass that up and I bought it!

So, when all was said and done, I paid $2 for a Blue Ray, practically brand new, HP and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. That's a great deal!